Amacoil now offers a grease fitting option which attaches to the shaft wipers on Uhing rolling ring drive assemblies. When the drive is running the grease fittings facilitate automatic shaft lubrication while the wipers clean the shaft, removing dust and dirt and preventing undue build up of grease.
At higher RPMs heat is generated between the shaft and the wipers. Mounted adjacent to the wipers on each end of the drive, the grease fitting assemblies contain felt rings which absorb and evenly dispense lubricant as the drive moves. This eliminates risk of overheating for OEM designers and production personnel wishing to use the drives for linear motion in various types of machinery such as winding machines, measuring probes and converting/packaging equipment. The grease fitting option is recommended when shaft RPMs exceed rated speeds (1000 RPM for Model RG drives; 1500 RPMs for Model RS drives).
Depending on size, Amacoil/Uhing rolling ring drives with wipers/grease fittings may achieve speeds of up to 13 feet per second over travel distances of up to 16 feet. Axial thrust is up to 800 lbs. Amacoil is the N. American distributor for Uhing rolling ring drives.
For more information please contact Amacoil.
Tel: 800-252-2645