RG Linear Drives

Properly attaching a load to a Uhing traverse drive

Uhing traverse drives are friction drives. The rolling ring bearings are under pressure and in direct contact with the surface of the drive shaft. If you attach a load, then you are increasing this pressure on the bearings and as a result, the bearings...

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Selecting the correct Uhing drive with Amacoil

A Uhing linear drive could be the solution for budget friendly linear motion solutions. We encourage you to consider the following factors before making a decision: speed, size and weight of payload, degree of precision required for the application.

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How to change the length of travel on the Uhing traverse drive

It is not uncommon to need to change the length of travel on the Uhing traverse drive. Depending on the degree to which the travel length is changed, it is important to be aware of the potential for shaft vibration.

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Properly identifying Uhing traverse drive units and associated parts

When you phone or email Amacoil regarding your Uhing traverse drive unit, there are a number of different ways to identify the unit. The model number on the little metal name tag is the most basic. The model number is a generic number that tells us the...

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Customization of a Uhing traverse winding

This here is a pretty cool picture of a Uhing traverse winding set up to which sensors and electronics have been added. In this case, the sensors monitor traverse linear speed, spool rotational speed and line feed speed.

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Uhing rolling ring traverse drives: One size does not fit all applications

I often get phone calls and emails from people saying "I'd like a quote on (insert Uhing rolling ring traverse drive model number)." I can approach these requests in two ways: 1) I can quote as requested and probably make a fast sale. 2) Or I can do what...

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Using adjustable pitch within an application

Today we completed a Uhing assembly with the "S" option. This option enables the Uhing traverse to move at a set pitch in one direction, and then at the same or a different set pitch after reversal. In this case, the customer needed the drive to move...

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Making repairs to Uhing rolling drives

I get calls all the time from folks who want to repair their Uhing traverse drive. They want a parts list and they want to order the parts and do the repairs at their facility. Regardless of mechanical aptitude, repairing a Uhing drive is tricky. There...

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Maximizing the life of a Uhing linear drive

That means that the bearings put a significant "bite" on the shaft. Anything you do in your set up to interfere with that "bite" will cause problems for you. You can't lessen or increase the pressure of the bearings against the shaft. If you use oil or...

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The potential dangers of retrofitting without guidance

Was in Milwaukee last week seeing customers. Worked with the Amacoil rep out there who is very competent and a good guy. We saw one guy who had installed a new Uhing drive assembly with the L4 linear bearing slide. This load carrier mounts across the...

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