Fiber Optic Cable Winding & Spooling

RG Linear Drive Applications

For over 70 years the Amacoil/Uhing Model RG drive unit has been used by wire and cable manufacturers and distributors around the world. The RG Kinemax traverse drive is uniquely well suited to spooling a wide range of fine gauge materials from including monofilament, fiber optic cable and thermocouple wire.

When spooling fine materials like fiber optic strands, the linear pitch of the traverse winding drive is typically quite small, often half a millimeter or less. Using the model RG winding drive, the fine pitch requirement usually results in an impractically large gear ratio between the Uhing shaft and the spool shaft.

This problem is solved with the Amacoil/Uhing Kinemax level winding drive (KI3-15-6MCRF) which is engineered with a small linear pitch making it ideal for materials such as fiber optic line, thermocouple wire, fiber strands and ultra-fine extruded wires.

Another important criteria for spooling fiber and thin wire is the ability to make fine adjustments to the traverse drive stroke length. In a standard Amacoil/Uhing ARG winding drive assembly, to adjust the traverse stroke length, you loosen set screws and slide the stops to the desired position. Setting the reversal points like this is fine for thicker materials.

For thin materials, however, more precise setting of the reversal points is needed in order to make sure the level wind is smooth and even across the spool. The Kinemax level winding drive assembly (model AKI3-15-6MCRFW) features end stops mounted on threaded rods. Turning the control knobs on the ends of the rods rotates the threaded rods. The end stops are thereby moved in extremely fine increments not possible with the standard thumbscrew design.

End Stop Fine Adjustment

“W” option. End stops are on threaded rods. Turning the control knobs permits ultra-fine control over traverse drive stroke length and precise setting of the reversal points.

The Uhing traverse winding drive has remained a central part of spooling systems in the US and abroad because the Uhing drive enables a variable pitch spooling system without the need for a complex electronic control system. For more details on how the Uhing traverse winding drive simplifies winding and spooling applications, CLICK HERE.

FA-II Flange Sensor Application


  • Fiber Optic Line
  • Fine Wire
  • Monofilament (thin gauge)
  • Fiber Strands
  • Thermocouple Wire